Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today's interesting fact has to do with iPhones.

I don't actually have one, can't afford it at the momment, although I'd love to have one.

I only learnt this intersting fact yesterday.

Research done by a app developer, found that about 10 different pastcodes, would unlock one in seven iPhones.

There are 10,000 possible combinations I read, yet from this a tenth of a percent of the combinations, will unlock a large portion of them.

Out of 204,508 phones checked, the top three codes used were 1234, 0000 and 2580 with over 10 percent of the observed population using just these three codes.

Makes me wonder, and I'm going to make sure I don't use them if I ever get one.

The blog I read this information from is at:

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