Thursday, September 08, 2011

Today’s interesting fact has to do with the Dogs and their sense of smell.

A dog's primary method of viewing the world is its sense of smell.

Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors whereas a human only has 6 million.

A dog’s olfactory cortex uses about 12.5% of a dog’s brain, whereas that of a human is less than one percent.

Dogs can tell if a how long a scent has been on the ground and can easily work out which way a scent trail goes.

In effect scents give dogs a sense of time.

When I was young, I read Tarzan novels.

Tarzan, because he was raised by an unidentified species of great ape (can't be gorillas because they had a language) he was supposed to be able to use and process scents as well as a dog could.

But to do that, he would have had to have a massive restructuring of his brain and nose.

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