Monday, July 31, 2006

Join the believers in Mumbo Jumbo, and be saved.

It is the only religion that requires you to rub blue mud into your belly button, in order to go to heaven. All the other religions require all sorts of things; this one only requires an application of blue mud.

Just can't wait till the Resurrection, when everyone find out that those who believed all these myths their religions espoused were wrong and all go to hell, because they didn't believe and rub blue mud into their navels.

There will be much gnashing of teeth, when the Day of Judgment comes, from the unbelievers who mistakenly believe that they and not the blue bellied believers will rise to sit at God's side. Yes, the hell of unbelievers will be filled with wailing infidels on that great day. All hail Robert A. Heinlein, the great prophet, who even today sits on the right side of God, and awaits the judgment day.

Well, makes about as much sense as all these other religions...

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