Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Todays's interesting fact again has to do with World War 1.

During WW1 aproximately 9.5 million millitary men died. During the same time approximately 9.5 million military horses and mules also died.

Calvery was used in the begining of WW1, and were used with good efect until both the introduction of large machine guns, when thousands of horses died in what ended up as futal charges, and the introduction of trench warfare, where horses were no longer effective. Calvery charges did not die out completely and continued until the end of the war, where they were effective where large calaber weapons were not available.

Horses and mules were used as in support roles throughout the war, taking supplies and munitions to the front and wounded back. Thousands of these support animals died from gas attacks and other munitions.

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