I was away from things for the past few days, so here is Wednesday’s interesting fact.
Today’s interesting fact has to do with high voltage electric transmission and sun eruptions.
Our civilisation relies on electricity.
It provides our light, heats our homes, cools our food, is starting to move our cars, it is the power for our industries.
Without electricity, it is doubted by some that our civilisation would survive.
The system of high voltage electric transmissions, that take our electricity from the power stations that generate it to where we use it, is under threat.
As shown in the 1859 solar eruption, when telegraph lines burnt out and operators where shocked, and again in 1989 when Hydro-Quebec Canadian power grid went down for more than nine hours, our current system is not proof against solar eruptions.
If a large eruption went off, we could lose everything we now rely on.
Challenged in September 2010 to come up with interesting facts every day by one of my work colleagues, I've since entertained him and those near his desk with bits of information dredged from my brain. Some of my audience went on holiday and still wanted the facts so I started posting here, every day I do one of them, usually Monday through Friday, and the occasional post on the weekend. I post these facts here almost every day and you will find two posts on some days to make any missing days.
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